Penalty Matrix-based PageRank Algorithm


  • B. Jaganathan Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Chennai 600127
  • Kalyani Desikan Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Chennai 600127



Page rank, Eigen values, Eigen vector, Penalty matrix


In this paper we give a brief overview of the adjacency matrix based page rank algorithm and eigen vector based page rank that are used in the Google search engine. In this paper a new approach has been introduced by considering the web as a mixed graph rather than a simple graph. We propose an improved method for the computation of page rank on the basis of penalty assigned to web pages which are accessed through Advertisement links/pages. Consequently, we have applied the concept of column-stochastic Penalty Matrix to web page ranking. This approach does not involve any iterative technique. This method is based only on the concept of Eigen values and Eigen vectors of the Penalty matrix.


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How to Cite

Jaganathan, B., & Desikan, K. (2017). Penalty Matrix-based PageRank Algorithm. Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, 9(3), 649–656.



Research Articles