A Mathematical Study on Coronavirus Model with Two Infectious States


  • V.S.V. Naga Soundarya Lakshmi Department of Mathematics, Auxilium College, Vellore 632 006, Tamilnadu
  • A. Sabarmathi Department of Mathematics, Auxilium College, Vellore 632 006, Tamilnadu




COVID-19, Stability, SIR model, Basic reproduction number, Siddha, Allopathy


A SIR model is formulated for COVID-19 with initial and secondary states. Existence and uniqueness of solutions, stability of the model and basic reproduction number were derived. In this article, the vulnerability of COVID-19 in Tirupathur district, Tamilnadu, India is discussed to exhibit the flow of variables of the model using numerical simulations. Also, analysis of recovered is explored for Siddha and allopathy treatments.



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How to Cite

Lakshmi, V. N. S., & Sabarmathi, A. (2021). A Mathematical Study on Coronavirus Model with Two Infectious States. Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, 13(2), 71–81. https://doi.org/10.26713/jims.v13i2.1555



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