Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Nano Physics

Formerly, Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensate and Nano Physics (ISSN 2349-2716)

The Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Nano Physics (JAMCNP) is an online journal as well as in print form, which publishes research articles and reviews. The main aim of this journal is to make available most complete and reliable source of information on current developments especially in the fields of

  • Atomic Physics
  • Molecular Physics
  • Chemical Physics
  • Optical Physics
  • Condensed Matter
  • Nano-Photonics including Nano Photonics

To ensure speedy publication, only articles which are sufficiently well presented, containing significant results and not required major revisions will be considered. Papers are accepted only after peer review.

Editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise are taken within 4 to 8 weeks (two months) of receipt of the paper.

The journal will also publish survey articles giving details of research progress made during the last three decades in a particular area.

The scientists and researchers will be the most frequent users of the journal who wish to have the knowledge and get information regarding the latest developments in this field.

All published articles will be deposited immediately upon publication in at least one widely and internationally recognized open access repository, therefore providing the maximum exposure to the articles.  Read more …