of Finance, Business and Management Studies2024-12-23T13:41:46+00:00Dr. Osman Nuri Şahin (Chief-Editor)ce.jfbms@rgnpublications.comOpen Journal Systems<div align="justify"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">The <strong>Journal of Finance, Business and Management Studies</strong> (<strong>JFBMS</strong>) is devoted to various disciplines of Finance, Business, Management and applied areas.</span></span><br /><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">The JFBMS will consider original research articles, survey articles, and book reviews.</span><br /><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">To ensure speedy publication, only articles which are sufficiently well presented, contain significant results and not require major revisions will be considered.</span></div> <p><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><strong>The journal covers a wide variety of topics including (but not limited to):</strong><br /></span></p> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top"> <p align="left">Accounting</p> <p align="left">Applied Financial Econometrics</p> <p align="left">Asset Pricing</p> <p align="left">Banking</p> <p align="left">Behavioral Finance</p> <p align="left">Business Analytics</p> <p align="left">Business Economics</p> <p align="left">Business Ethics</p> <p align="left">Business Law</p> <p align="left">Business Policy</p> <p align="left">Buyer Behaviour – Purchasing and Supply Management</p> <p align="left">Competition and Cooperation</p> <p align="left">Corporate Finance and Governance</p> <p align="left">Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility</p> <p align="left">Customer Relationship Management</p> <p align="left">Distribution and Routes to Market</p> <p align="left">Econometrics</p> <p align="left">Electronic Business</p> <p align="left">Electronic Mobile Commerce</p> <p align="left">Electronic Social Commerce</p> <p align="left">Enterprise management</p> <p align="left">Entrepreneurship</p> <p align="left">Entrepreneurship Business Venturing</p> <p align="left">Entrepreneurship Innovation</p> <p align="left">Finance</p> <p align="left">Financial Econometrics</p> <p align="left">Financial Economics</p> <p align="left">Financial Institutions</p> <p align="left">Financial Management</p> <p align="left">Financial Risk Analysis</p> <p align="left">General Financial Markets</p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="left">Growth and Development</p> <p align="left">Human Resource Management</p> <p align="left">Information Management</p> <p align="left">International Business</p> <p align="left">International Economics</p> <p align="left">International Finance</p> <p align="left">International Trade</p> <p align="left">Macroeconomic Aspects of Finance</p> <p align="left">Macroeconomics</p> <p align="left">Managing Product Offerings</p> <p align="left">Market and Customer Communication</p> <p align="left">Marketing</p> <p align="left">Markets and Institutions of Emerging Markets</p> <p align="left">Money and Banking</p> <p align="left">Networks in Business Markets</p> <p align="left">New Product Development and Innovation</p> <p align="left">Operations and Service Management</p> <p align="left">Options and Futures</p> <p align="left">Organizing for Global Markets Portfolio Management</p> <p align="left">Political Science</p> <p align="left">Project Management</p> <p align="left">Public Economics and Public Policy</p> <p align="left">Public Finance</p> <p align="left">Public Policy</p> <p align="left">Regional Economics</p> <p align="left">Risk Management</p> <p align="left">Sales and Key Account Management</p> <p align="left">Strategic Management</p> <p align="left">Supply Chain Management</p> <p align="left">Taxation, Subsidies and Revenue</p> <p align="left">Technology Management</p> <p align="left">Tourism Economics</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div align="justify"> </div> <div align="justify"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Editorial decisions on the acceptance or otherwise are taken within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the article. </span></span><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Responses to articles and correspondence will also be considered at the Editor’s discretion.<br /></span><br /><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;"><strong>Papers will be accepted only after Peer-Review.</strong><br />Special issue proposals in cutting-edge and timely areas of research in Finance, Business Management and applied areas are strongly encouraged.</span></div> Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing Investment Decision Processes2024-12-23T13:36:57+00:00V.<p>This document is about the evolution of investment strategies by AI in financial decisionmaking. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is creating a change in operational activity, decisionmaking process for investment, and assessing clients, by banks. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the opportunities available by AI in investment decision-making along with challenges, which should be addressed during implementation. A systematic literature review is been used to analyze the paper and make findings. Personalized investment advice, tailored to individual risk tolerance and goals, enhances decisionmaking. Overcoming barriers to AI adoption promises growth, innovation, and user-friendly investment experiences.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Inclusion: A Step Towards Developed Nation2024-03-24T04:06:46+00:00Rohit Gargparasbatra18@gmail.comParas<p>Financial inclusion is an emerging economic growth paradigm, especially in developing countries like India. It is one of the major factors which has contributed to the growth and development of Indian economy. Financial inclusion refers to the delivery of banking products and services at affordable terms and conditions. Accessibility of financial services at affordable prices has been always a global issue. Therefore, comprehensive financial system is required in our country. In order to enhance GDP and ease of doing business rank, financial inclusion is top objective of our government. In the current scenario financial institutions are the robust pillars of progress of the economy. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of financial inclusion on growth and development of Indian economy. Secondary data has been used in this study. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna on 28th August, 2014. This policy aims at accessing financial services namely banking/saving, deposit accounts, insurance and pension in an affordable manner. Result shows that there has been increase in number of bank branches, outlets and savings accounts from 2014 to 2023 which has significantly contributed to the development of GDP of our economy.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Finance, Business and Management Studies Between Cybercrime and the Nigerian Economy: Causes, Implications and the Path Forward2024-04-06T19:41:13+00:00Nathan Udoinyangnathannathanudoiyang@gmail.comReuben Danielreubendaniel@944gmail.comAbroad E.<p>This research examined the relationship between cybercrime and the Nigerian economy: Causes, implications and path forward. Data from banks and her clients was gathered for this research using a survey approach. Access Bank, First Bank, GT Bank, UBA, and Zenith Bank are some of these banks. In order to get the effects from experts, the University of Port Harcourt’s Bursary Department, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education’s Computer Science Department, and others were selected. The random sampling approach was used in order to get a sample size of 300 from the intended population. To collect the required data, a self-structured questionnaire titled Cybercrime and the Nigeria Economy: Causes, Implications, and Path forward (C.N.E.C.I.P.F.) was filled out. A total of 300 questionnaires were personally administered to the respondents, 260 copies were retrieved and used for data analysis and interpretations using a simple percentage procedure with aggregate criterion of 50%. Reviewing the causes of cybercrime in Nigeria among others are: Urbanization and civilization; unemployment; poor implementation of cybercrime laws and inadequate equipped law enforcement agency; corruption etc. Our findings also review that the implications of cybercrime on Nigeria’s economy are: disruption of business operation; loss of revenue; monetary losses etc. Although cybercrime cannot be completely eliminated, it may be lessened in intensity, according to the research’s findings. The research also made a number of recommendations and concluded that to reduce the extent of cybercrime in Nigeria to a minimum, there is a need for citizens, businesses, and the government to actively collaborate.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Finance, Business and Management Studies the Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Artificial Intelligence in Online Food Delivery Services2024-03-24T04:27:40+00:00Avinash Saxenaavinashsaxena615@gmail.comSachin Bhardwajsachinmba04@gmail.comRahul Singhrsrmit@gmail.comHimani Grewalgrewalhimani88@gmail.comAditi Vishnoivishnoiaditi23@gmail.comSmrita<p>The assimilation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in restaurant industry represents a revolutionary shift. AI has enabled this industry by optimizing the food deliveries to the customers in no time, route optimization by determining the most effective route for each delivery person and for every order as well. AI interacts with the road infrastructure, weather conditions, traffic status and enable the driver to reach his destination in the stipulated time for every order. AI analyses historical data and make predictions for the future by conducting various algorithm based analysis. Artificial Intelligence has also helped the marketers to decide on dynamic pricing structure and keeping their customer alive with them. One of the major task accomplished by AI is usage of Chabot, which has enabled the customers to get personalized solutions of their problems. This paper aims to identify and develop the transformation and revolution, which has been taken place due to the use of AI in shaping consumer behaviour towards online food delivery services by doing an exploratory analysis based on the published literature in Food delivery applications. This paper suggest that AI is not only a medium of getting customer data and promoting sales but also a strong tool to provide customization and develop a future ready ecosystem for restaurant industry. This paper will throw light on the challenges and issues related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the restaurant industry.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Finance, Business and Management Studies Paradigm of Purchase Retention With Respect to Brand Love and Brand Engagement2024-12-23T13:41:46+00:00Ved<p>Businesses interact with their customers in an effort to maintain or improve their total brand equity. This study explores the relationship between brand engagement and brand love, as well as how these two factors interact to affect overall brand equity and purchase intent. Data gathered from 311 respondents using a self-administered survey were subjected to a two-stage analysis. The measurement model’s validity and reliability were examined in the first stage, and the structural model’s strength of the relationships was determined in the second. The study makes it possible to comprehend the causes of brand equity in great detail. It offers useful theoretical insights into the factors that affect how brand equity is formed. It also examines the impact of sociodemographic factors like gender and usage. Relationships are mediated by brand love and overall brand equity. By combining previously researched characteristics such as brand love, brand experience, total brand equity, and purchase intention into one comprehensive model, this study suggests a new branding framework. This study supports the notion that brand love and brand engagement are second-order constructs and crucial components of the brand mix. Relationships between a brand and its fans are controlled by usage and gender.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024