Characterisation of KrishSupra-P Distribution and Its Biomedical Application



Weighted distribution, Sauleh distribution, Survival analysis, estimates,, parameters


Here an innovative generalization of Sauleh distribution is considered and named it as KrishSupra-P Distribution (KSPD). Its several statistical properties were discussed and the model parameters are predicted using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) approach. The model's biomedical application using a real data set is discussed and contrasted with some other famous distributions.



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Author Biographies

PRASEEJA C B, Research Scholar

Research Scholar, Department of Statistics, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu

Subramanian C, Professor

Department of Statistics, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu

Unnikrishnan T, Assistant Professor

Department of Statistics, Shri C Achuthamenon Govt. College, Kerala


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How to Cite

C B, P., PRASANTH C B, C, S., & T, U. (2025). Characterisation of KrishSupra-P Distribution and Its Biomedical Application . Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(3). Retrieved from



Research Article