PBIB-Designs and 2-Steiner distance eigenvalues of split graphs

PBIB-Designs and 2-Steiner distance eigenvalues of split graphs


  • Medha Huilgol Bengaluru City University
  • Sreepriya Asok


PBIB-design, Split graph, Steiner distance matrix, Spectrum


In this paper, we have considered split graph Kn XK1 with exactly four distinct adjacency eigenvalues.
Since these graphs are not regular, it is laborious to construct block designs out of them.
In this paper, we have shown the existence (hence construction) and non-existence of block designs
arising out of split graphs Kn XK1. In the second half of this paper, we have partially tried an NP-
hard problem of finding 2-Steiner distance matrix of the split graph Kn XK1. Furthermore, we have
given interlacing for adjacency, distance and 2-Steiner distance spectra of split graph Kn XK1. Time
complexity and algorithm for finding rank of a matrix is given. A conjecture concludes the paper.


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How to Cite

Huilgol, M., & Asok, S. (2025). PBIB-Designs and 2-Steiner distance eigenvalues of split graphs: PBIB-Designs and 2-Steiner distance eigenvalues of split graphs. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(3). Retrieved from https://rgnpublications.com/journals/index.php/cma/article/view/2804



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