Decomposition of Bipolar Pythagorean Fuzzy Matrices


  • S. SRIRAM Annamalai University


Intuitionistic fuzzy matrix, Bipolar pythagorean fuzzy matrix, Modal operator


This paper presents novel findings on modal operators through the use of max-min composition, analyzing properties such as reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, and idempotency related to necessity and possibility. It explores the necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive and c-transitive closure matrices using modal operators. Additionally, a new composition operator, labeled as ”∧m ” is introduced and its algebraic properties are thoroughly discussed. The study also achieves a decomposition of a BPyFM utilizing the new composition operator and modal operators.


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How to Cite

K. SIVARANJANI, & S. SRIRAM. (2024). Decomposition of Bipolar Pythagorean Fuzzy Matrices. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(2). Retrieved from



Research Article