A Semi-analytical study on non-linear differential equations in typhoid fever disease


  • J. Chitra Research Centre and PG Department of Mathematics, The Madura College (Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • V. Ananthaswamy Research Centre and PG Department of Mathematics, The Madura College (Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • M. Shruthi Research Centre and PG Department of Mathematics, The Madura College (Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India


Epidemic model, Typhoid infection, Homotopy Analysis method (HAM), Numerical simulation, Non-linear initial value problem


Typhoid infection dynamics is proposed in this work. The homotopy analysis method is used to solve the relevant equations, producing the approximate analytical solutions for the four compartments, such as Susceptible, Exposed, Infected and Recovered . The numerical simulation is utilised using a MATLAB programme. In addition, the problem's numerical simulation is provided. A comparison between the numerical simulation and the analytical solution reveals excellent agreement. A number of other parameters are also discussed and graphically represented, such as the rate of innate dying , the rate of human recruitment (birth) , the rate of disease interaction , the rate of unprotected symptoms , the rate of infectious recovery , the rate at which humans who have recovered lose temporary immunity  ,and the total number of people who die from illness in the compartment of Susceptible , Exposed , Infected and Recovered . The homotopy analysis technique is employed to solve SVEIR(Susceptible-Vaccinated-Exposed-Recovered),SEIR(Susceptible-Exposed Infected-Recovered),SIR(Susceptible-Infected-Recovered),andSVEIHR(Susceptible-Vaccinated-Exposed-Infected-Hospitalized-Recovered).


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How to Cite

Chitra, J., Ananthaswamy, V., & Shruthi, M. (2025). A Semi-analytical study on non-linear differential equations in typhoid fever disease. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(3). Retrieved from https://rgnpublications.com/journals/index.php/cma/article/view/2706



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