On the Square Free Detour Number of Windmill Graphs





Square free detour number, Connected square free detour number, Vertex square free detour number


The set \(S\) of vertices is said to be a square free detour set of \(G^*=( V^*,\,E^* )\) if \(I_{D_{_{ \square f}} } [S]=V^*\). The square free detour number of \(G^*\) is the cardinality of the minimum proper square free detour subset of \(V^*\). The square free detour number \(dn_{\square f} (G^*)\), the connected square free detour number \(cdn_{_{\square f} }(G^*)\) and the vertex square free detour number \(dn_{_{\square f_u} }(G^*)\) of \(G^*\) are defined. Also, we determine the square free detour number, the connected square free detour number and the vertex-square free detour number of windmill graphs.


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How to Cite

Rani, K. C., & Pacifica, G. P. (2023). On the Square Free Detour Number of Windmill Graphs. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 14(5), 1759–1766. https://doi.org/10.26713/cma.v14i5.2194



Research Article