Communications in Mathematics and Applications
The "Communications in Mathematics and Applications” (CMA) is an international journal devoted to the publication of original and high-quality research of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The journal "Communications in Mathematics and Applications” (CMA) is being regularly published since 2010.
The "Communications in Mathematics and Applications" covers the following subject fields (but not limited to):
Pure Mathematics Applied Mathematics - Algebra
- Algebraic Geometry
- Analysis
- Category Theory
- Graph Theory
- Mathematical Logic & Foundations
- Number Theory
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Topology
- Information Theory
- Mathematical Physics
- Numerical Analysis
- Operations Research
- Probability Theory
- Computational Biology
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Computational Chemistry
To ensure speedy publication, only articles that are sufficiently well presented, contain significant results, and not required major revisions will be considered. Articles are accepted only after peer review.
The journal is also publishing survey articles giving details of research progress made during the last three decades in a particular area.
Peer Review Process: A submitted paper will be refereed by atleast one referee. The editorial board will make the decision within 12 weeks (three months) after submission.
Publication Frequency: The "Communications in Mathematics and Applications" publishes four issues per volume in a year.
Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences
The Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences is being regularly published since 2009. Its aim is to publish the original research articles pertaining to various branches mentioned below (but not limited to):
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Applications of Mathematics to Various Branches of Engineering
- Approximation Theory
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition
- Bayesian Statistics
- Big Data
- Biological Computing
- Cloud, P2p & Mobile Computing
- Coding Theory
- Cognitive Informatics
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Computability and Computer Complexities
- Computational Aspects of Geometry and Algebra
- Computational Mathematics
- Computer-Aided Design
- Computer Architecture and Systems
- Computer Networks and Communications Security
- Computer Networks and Distributed Computing
- Computer Science
- Control Theory
- Cryptography
- Data Science and Management
- Decision Sciences
- Decision Support Systems
- Dynamical Systems
- Education
- Education and Teaching
- Education and Learning
- Electronic Commerce
- Electronic Sciences
- Electronic Supply Chain Management
- Entrepreneurial Management
- Ethics of Big Data
- Evolutionary Computing
- Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Functional Equations
- Fuzzy Set Theory
- Game Theory
- Geometry and Topology
- Gis and Applications
- Graphics & Animation
- Green and Cloud Computing
- Green Computing
- Health Care Management
- Information Security & Cryptosystems
- Information Technology
- Information Theory
- Insurance & Risk Management
- Intelligence Transportation System
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Legal Studies & Business Ethics
- Leisure & Sports Management
- Loud Computing in Business Intelligence
- Mathematical Economics
- Mathematical Linguistics
- Mathematical Logic
- Mathematical Modelling
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Theory of Artificial Intelligence
- Mathematics Education
- Mechanics
- Microwave Theory & Techniques
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multimedia & Simulation
- Nanoengineering and Applications
- Nanoscience
- Network Protocol Evaluation
- Next-Generation Sequencing
- Number Theory
- Numerical Analysis
- Operation Research Including Reliability Theory and Queueing Theory
- Optimization Theory
- Organization Management
- Parallel Computing and Artificial Neural Network Theory
- Precision Agriculture
- Probability Theory and Statistics
- Quantum Cognition
- Sensor Networks
- Smart Analytics
- Social Network Analysis
- Software Systems
- Statistics
- Stochastic Process
- Sustainability and Efficiency
- Sustainable Computing and Technologies
- Text Mining
- Theory and Algorithms Areas
- Ubiquitous Computing
- Visualization Analytics
- Wireless Communication
- Wireless Sensor Networks
To ensure speedy publication, only articles which are sufficiently well presented, contain significant results and not required major revisions will be considered. Papers are accepted only after peer review.
Editorial decisions on the acceptance or otherwise are taken quickly, normally within 4 to 8 weeks (two months) of receipt of the paper.
The journal will also publish survey articles giving details of research progress made during the last three decades in a particular area.
Peer Review Process: A submitted paper will be refereed by atleast one referee. The editorial board will make the decision within four to eight weeks after submission.
Publication Frequency: The "Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences" publishes three issues per volume in a year.
Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Nano Physics
The Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Nano Physics (JAMCNP) (ISSN 2582-8215) is an international journal being published since 2014. The main aim of this journal is to make available the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments, especially in the following fields (but are not limited to): Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Chemical Physics, Optical Physics, Condensed Matter, Nano Science including Nano-Photonics, Applied Physics (Environmental physics, Engineering physics, Biomedical physics, Astrophysics physics, Chemical physics, Computational physics, Quantum computing).
The Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Nano Physics is indexed in CAS Source Index (CASSI) of the American Chemical Society
To ensure speedy publication, only articles that are sufficiently well presented, contain significant results, and not required major revisions will be considered. Papers are accepted only after peer review.
Editorial decisions on the acceptance or otherwise are taken normally within 4 to 8 weeks (two months) of receipt of the paper.
Journal History: Formerly, Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensate and Nano Physics (eISSN 2349-2716; pISSN 2349-6088)
Journal of Finance, Business and Management Studies
The Journal of Finance, Business and Management Studies (JFBMS) is devoted to various disciplines of Finance, Business, Management and applied areas.
The JFBMS will consider original research articles, survey articles, and book reviews.
To ensure speedy publication, only articles which are sufficiently well presented, contain significant results and not require major revisions will be considered.The journal covers a wide variety of topics including (but not limited to):
Applied Financial Econometrics
Asset Pricing
Behavioral Finance
Business Analytics
Business Economics
Business Ethics
Business Law
Business Policy
Buyer Behaviour – Purchasing and Supply Management
Competition and Cooperation
Corporate Finance and Governance
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Customer Relationship Management
Distribution and Routes to Market
Electronic Business
Electronic Mobile Commerce
Electronic Social Commerce
Enterprise management
Entrepreneurship Business Venturing
Entrepreneurship Innovation
Financial Econometrics
Financial Economics
Financial Institutions
Financial Management
Financial Risk Analysis
General Financial Markets
Growth and Development
Human Resource Management
Information Management
International Business
International Economics
International Finance
International Trade
Macroeconomic Aspects of Finance
Managing Product Offerings
Market and Customer Communication
Markets and Institutions of Emerging Markets
Money and Banking
Networks in Business Markets
New Product Development and Innovation
Operations and Service Management
Options and Futures
Organizing for Global Markets Portfolio Management
Political Science
Project Management
Public Economics and Public Policy
Public Finance
Public Policy
Regional Economics
Risk Management
Sales and Key Account Management
Strategic Management
Supply Chain Management
Taxation, Subsidies and Revenue
Technology Management
Tourism Economics
Editorial decisions on the acceptance or otherwise are taken within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the article. Responses to articles and correspondence will also be considered at the Editor’s discretion.
Papers will be accepted only after Peer-Review.
Special issue proposals in cutting-edge and timely areas of research in Finance, Business Management and applied areas are strongly encouraged.