Dynamics of Periodically Modulated Cavity Frequency of A Microwave Cavity Consisting of Cold Atoms


  • Sonam Mahajan Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
  • Neha Aggarwal Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007; Department of Physics, ARSD College, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi 110021
  • Aranya B. Bhattacherjee Department of Physics, ARSD College, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi 110021; School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067
  • Man Mohan Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007




Cold atoms, Microwave cavity, Two-photon process


We investigate the possibility to enhance the atomic fluorescence and using it to measure the ‘second' by means of a quantum device formed by two-level cold atoms confined in a microwave cavity with harmonically modulated cavity frequency. Besides the harmonically modulated cavity frequency, we have also studied the modification in the atomic fluorescence due to the addition of the squeezing term in the Hamiltonian of the system. The periodic modulation of cavity frequency give rise to non adiabatic process characterized as two-photon process. It has been observed that the two-photon process can be used as a new handle to enhance the atomic fluorescence which helps in improving the accuracy of the atomic fountain clocks.


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How to Cite

Mahajan, S., Aggarwal, N., Bhattacherjee, A. B., & Mohan, M. (2014). Dynamics of Periodically Modulated Cavity Frequency of A Microwave Cavity Consisting of Cold Atoms. Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Nano Physics, 1(1), 11–18. https://doi.org/10.26713/jamcnp.v1i1.224



Research Article