
  • Dr. K. Santhi Assistant Professor,Dept of Mathematics, Annamalai University
  • Dr. S. Pazhani Bala Murugan Associate Professor, Department Of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002,Tamilnadu,India.
  • Mrs. T. Senthamizhselvi Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002,Tamilnadu,India.


Second optional Working Vacation, Feedback, Matrix-Geometric Method.


A Markovian queue with feedback and second optional working vacation is analysed in this study. Rather of fully suspending service during a vacation, the server operates with varying service times. After the completion of the regular working vacation, the server may opt for second optional working vacation. After getting the service the customer who is unsatisfied with incomplete, partial or unsatisfactory service may opt the feedback with prob. r¯ or leave the system with the prob. r. We use the Matrix-Geometric approach to find theessential and acceptable conditions for the system to be secure. After deriving the stationary probability distribution, various performance indicators are calculated. Some numerical examples are illustrated to show the model’s stability.


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How to Cite

K. Santhi, S, P. B. M., & T, S. (2024). A MARKOVIAN QUEUE WITH FEEDBACK AND SECOND OPTIONAL WORKING VACATION. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(2). Retrieved from http://rgnpublications.com/journals/index.php/cma/article/view/2715



Research Article