Observations on Hauy Rhombic Dodecahedral N umbers with Some Special Numbers


  • Ramachandran R PhD Schollar


Hauy Rhombic Dodecahedral Number; Stella Octangula Number; Centered Tetrahedral Number; Dodecahedral Numbers; Gnomonic Numbers.


In this paper, the basic definition of Hauy Rhombic Dodecahedral Numbers and nasty numbers are given. The Hauy Rhombic Dodecahedral Number is taken into study and we prove this number is a combination of some special numbers. Also we investigate about relationships between the Hauy Rhombic Dodecahedral, Stella Octangula, Hex Number, Centered Tetrahedral and Gnomonic Numbers. For the clear understanding of the properties of special numbers we proved fifteen theorems. Sixteen special numbers are taken into consideration for this observation. The key points are given in the proof of the theorems.


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How to Cite

R, R. (2024). Observations on Hauy Rhombic Dodecahedral N umbers with Some Special Numbers. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(2). Retrieved from http://rgnpublications.com/journals/index.php/cma/article/view/2653



Research Article