On Weak Symmetries of Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms


  • D.G. Prakasha Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University, Dharwad
  • Vasant Chavan Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University, Dharwad




Generalized Sasakian-space-forms, Weakly symmetric, Weakly Riccisymmetric, Specially weakly Ricci-symmetric


The purpose of the paper is to study weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci-symmetric generalized Sasakian-space-forms. We consider the locally symmetric and recurrent type of weakly symmetric generalized Sasakian-space-forms. Also, locally Ricci-symmetric and Riccirecurrent weakly Ricci-symmetric generalized Sasakian-space-forms are discussed.


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How to Cite

Prakasha, D., & Chavan, V. (2014). On Weak Symmetries of Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 5(3), 83–89. https://doi.org/10.26713/cma.v5i3.249



Research Article