Some outcomes on fuzzy menger space via common property(E.A) and absorbing maps


  • Satyanna K Department of Mathematics. M.A.L.D. Government Degree College, Gadwal, Palamoor univesity, Telanagana State.
  • Srinivas Osmania university


Absorbing maps; Common property (E.A); Occasionally weakly compatible mappings; Fuzzy menger space.


The present idea of this paper is to generalize the result proved by Ruchi Sing
obtaining two results in fuzzy menger space by employing absorbing maps, common property
(E.A) and occasionally weakly compatible mappings. Moreover these results are justified by
suitable examples.


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Author Biography

Srinivas, Osmania university

Associate professor,

Department of Mathematics,

UCS, Osmania university,



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How to Cite

K, S., & Srinivas. (2024). Some outcomes on fuzzy menger space via common property(E.A) and absorbing maps. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 15(2). Retrieved from



Research Article