Results on the Uniqueness of Difference Polynomials With Difference Operator of Entire Functions Sharing Small Function




Uniqueness, Weakly weighted sharing, Relaxed weighted sharing, Entire functions, Small function and difference polynomial with difference operator


In this article, we consider difference polynomials with difference operators, weakly weighted sharing, and relaxed weighted sharing, we investigate the uniqueness problem of difference polynomials. We use \(\varPhi= (Q(f(z))L(\Delta_{c}f))^{(k)}\) and \(\varPsi= (Q(g(z))L(\Delta_{c}g))^{(k)}\). Accordingly, we have proved three uniqueness results, which extends and improves the results due to G.~Haldar (Uniqueness of entire functions concerning differential-difference polynomials sharing small functions, arXiv:2103.09889v1 [math.CV], (2021)).


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How to Cite

Chaithra, C. N., Naveenkumar, S. H., & Rajeshwari, . S. (2023). Results on the Uniqueness of Difference Polynomials With Difference Operator of Entire Functions Sharing Small Function. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 14(2), 775–790.



Research Article