A Generalised Balancing Sequence and Solutions of Diophantine Equations \(x^2\pm pxy + y^2\pm x = 0\)





Diophantine equation, Balancing sequences


We consider a generalization of balancing sequences and investigate some properties of the generalised balancing sequences in this paper. For a positive integer \(p\) we solve for the Diophantine equations, \(x^{2} \pm pxy + y^{2} \pm x =0\) and express its solutions in terms of generalised balancing sequences.


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How to Cite

Kameswari, P. A., & Anoosha, K. (2022). A Generalised Balancing Sequence and Solutions of Diophantine Equations \(x^2\pm pxy + y^2\pm x = 0\). Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 13(1), 253–263. https://doi.org/10.26713/cma.v13i1.1698



Research Article